https //create.roblox.dashboard : Navigate to the Roblox Creator Dashboard
https //create.roblox.dashboard : Navigate to the Roblox Creator Dashboard
To access the Roblox Dashboard, login into and Navigate to the Roblox Creator Dashboard. Passes allow you to charge a one-time Robux fee in order for players to access special privileges within an experience, such as entry to a restricted area, an in-experience avatar item, or a permanent power-up.
Creating Passes
When you’re creating an image to use for your Pass, consider the following requirements:
- Use a template of 512×512 pixels.
- Save the image in either .jpg, .png, or .bmp format.
- Don’t include important details outside of the circular boundaries because the upload process trims and crops the final badge into a circular image.
To create a new Pass:
Navigate to the Creator Dashboard. All of your experiences display.
Click on the experience you want to create a Pass for. The experience’s Overview page displays.
In the left-hand navigation, select Associated Items. The Associated Items page displays for that specific experience.
In the horizontal navigation, select PASSES. All Passes for that experience display.
Click the CREATE A PASS button. The Create a Pass page displays.
Click the UPLOAD IMAGE button. A file browser displays.
Select the image you want to display as the icon, then click the Open button.
Fill in the following fields:
- Name: A title for your Pass.
- Description: A description what a player should expect when they purchase the Pass.
Click the CREATE PASS button. The Pass displays within the Passes section of the Associated Items page.
Locating Pass IDs
A Pass ID is the unique identifier of a Pass. You need this ID to assign the Pass a special privilege.
To locate a Pass ID:
Navigate to the Passes section of an experience’s Associated Items page.
Hover over a Pass thumbnail and click the ⋯ button. A contextual menu displays.
Select Copy Asset ID. The Pass ID copies to your clipboard.
Monetizing Passes
After you create a Pass, you can configure its settings to monetize it.
To monetize a Pass:
Navigate to the Passes section of an experience’s Associated Items page.
Hover over a Pass thumbnail and click the ⋯ button. A contextual menu displays.
Select Open in New Tab. The Configure Pass page displays.
In the left-hand navigation, select Sales.
Enable the Item for Sale toggle.
In the Price field, enter the amount of Robux you want to charge players for the Pass. The price you enter affects the amount of Robux you earn per sale.
Click the Save button.