https //e-learn : How to study at home through the new website of the Government of Tamil Nadu
https //e-learn :
The Corono pandemic has forced the closure of all educational institutions and schools in Tamil Nadu. Schoolchildren have been particularly hard hit. As a result, our school’s education department has made the decision to teach online education. For this, one has created a new website,, which will be available on the Internet from now on.
It contains all of your classes and subjects. In light of this, our Tamil Nadu School Education Department has made this facility available to pupils who are now unable to attend school and learn.
Students can now learn lessons from home via
How to Learn Online through e-learn TNSchools Website:
- Visit:
- And Choose your Class (from 1st to 12th)
- Then Choose your Medium of Study (Tamil, English)
- Final Choose your Subject that you want learn
For Example above we choose Class V – Tamil Medium – Maths Subject

Then any of Topic you want learn in that subject.

For Example we selected “அமைப்புகள்” after Learning Resource will be opened.

To view/download, veettupalli videos on mobile or computer follow the below steps
1. Choose Tamil or English as your study medium on the 12th Veettupalli Videos page.
2. Then Select the topic you’d like to learn more about.
3. To see the lesson, click Play, or to download it for offline viewing, click the Download icon.
How to Join Online NEET Training at E-Learn TN Schools Portal:
1. Visit:

2. Choose “Click here for NEET Login” Button.
3. Now Enter Your User name and Password and Click the “Submit” button.