Activate : Samaritan’s Shoebox Label Options Activate Activate : Samaritan’s Shoebox Label Options Activate
To activate Samaritan’s Shoebox Label, login into or if you already have a QR-coded label from a brochure or an event, click the button below to begin the activation process. An entire set of 50 can be activated by scanning or entering the nine-digit code for one label.
To activate your Samaritan’s Purse shoebox tracking label, follow these steps:
1. Order Labels: If you’re planning to pack 50 or more shoeboxes, consider using adhesive labels. These labels are great for organizing packing parties. After packing your shoebox gifts, apply a label and mark the correct gender and age of the intended recipient.
2. Activate Tracking: To enable tracking, either:
- Online Activation: Make a $10 suggested donation per shoebox online at Use your email address or the label code (nine or 15 digits) to activate the label.
- Printable Labels: If you’re packing a few boxes, use the calculator on the same page to get a printable shoebox label. These labels are already activated, so simply attach them to your shoeboxes. Be careful not to cover the barcode with tape or damage it.
3. Discover the Destination: Once shoeboxes are processed (usually in late December or early January), you can check the country destination of your gift by visiting the Follow Your Box page. Enter your email address or label code to find out where your shoebox was delivered to a child in need.
To make sure your shoebox gift gets to a child of the right gender and age, Samaritan’s Purse offers some different label options. Labels also offer a way for you to give the necessary $9 donation per shoebox to provide for collection, processing, shipping, and other project costs.
If you donate online in either of the ways outlined below, the labels allow you to Follow Your Box and find out the country where your box will be delivered with the message of Christ’s love. Just check back on this page later to learn the destination of your box.
How do I get a label?
Visit our Labels landing page to see the different ways you can indicate the gender and age intended for your gift. If you make your suggested $9 donation online, you can Follow Your Box and discover the country destination of your shoebox gift.
1. Adhesive labels are available in sets of 50. The whole set can be activated by scanning or entering the code of just one label. The item still serves as a shoebox label even if it is not activated for tracking with your donation.
2. If you choose a printable QR-coded label, it will be displayed on the payment confirmation screen and delivered to you via email from Samaritan’s Purse (
3. Each How to Pack a Shoebox brochure, available to order from our free materials also comes with a shoebox label ready to attach to your gift. You can still discover the country destination of your gift by scanning its QR code and giving your $9 suggested donation online. Or, if you prefer, you can use the label without its tracking feature and mail your donation in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Activate : How to activate your subscription via
4. You can also print basic labels here. These labels that do not have a QR scanning code can’t be used for tracking. However, we still recommend you give your $9 suggested donation online via our Ways to Give page, or mail a check to our headquarters at PO Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607
How do I print my labels?
After making your $9 suggested donation online, you should be able to view your label from the confirmation screen. We will also send you an email with a link to your labels later. Click the link in your email to view the printable version of your label, right click, and select “Print”. You can also go to File/Print in your browser navigation bar, or hold down the Ctrl + P buttons on your keyboard. Print or save the labels to your computer.
If you don’t have access to a printer, you may try asking at a local library or office supply store if they are able to print the labels for you, or email them to a friend or family member who can help you print.
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Activate Labels
If you already have a QR-coded label from a brochure or an event, click the button below to begin the activation process. An entire set of 50 can be activated by scanning or entering the nine-digit code for one label.
How to Pack a Shoebox

Find a Shoebox
Start with an average-size cardboard or plastic shoebox. If you want to wrap it, cover the box and lid separately. You can use your own shoeboxes or order our colorful preprinted ones, available in both corrugated cardboard and plastic. These sturdy options hold up well and can be lasting gifts in themselves for children to store cherished items.
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Get Your Label
Visit our Label Options page to find out whether an adhesive or printable label is best for you. Whichever you choose, use the label to indicate on your shoebox whether it was packed for a boy or girl and which age category: 2–4, 5–9, or 10–14.
Fill with Gifts
Select a medium to large “wow” item such as a soccer ball with pump or stuffed animal, then fill with other fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies. Don’t forget to also include a personal note and photo—sometimes these are the child’s favorite things to receive!