www.nationalmahjonggleague.org Order Online Cards 2023 : When can I order the 2023 Mahjong Card?
www.nationalmahjonggleague.org Order Online Cards 2023 : When can I order the 2023 Mahjong Card?
Beginning December 23, you can order the new 2023 card, which will be delivered to you in April. Prices have increased to $14 for the Standard and $15 for the Large Print cards. Order online with your credit card for the most convenient service.
Ordering by mail? Send your check to our Newark address: NMJL, PO Box 50003, Newark NJ, 07101-8006, and be sure to indicate your name, address and the exact number of cards ordered.
2022 cards may still be ordered after January 1 by sending a check to our NYC office: 450 7th Ave., Ste 405, NY, NY 10123.
Jokers may not be used in a 2022 grouping as this is not a Kong (a grouping of 4 identical tiles).
A tile may only be called in 2022 if the tile is for Mah Jongg.
FFÂ 246 888Â 246 888
246Â is not a Pung (a grouping of 3 identical tiles).
These are 3 individual tiles that are grouped together.
Therefore you may not use a Joker in 246
The parenthetical for this hand explains that it is played with Any Dragon, Any Wind, Any No.
The Number does not have to be in the same suit as the Dragon.
1122 33333 33333
1122Â is not a Kong (a grouping of 4 identical tiles).
Therefore you may not use a Joker in 1122 and
you may not call any of the tiles in 1122 unless it is for Mah Jongg.
FFF 1111 FFF 2222
Each Pung of Flowers is called separately should the player call for an exposure.
1111 NN E W SS 1111 2222 NN E W SS 2222
The Kongs (4 identical tiles) must either both be any odd or both be any even numbers.
336 33669 336699
Jokers may not be used in any of these groupings.
They are groupings of Singles and Pairs.